weather Belgium Presgaux
  • 15 day forecast

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Today's Forecast


Forecast produced by Régis CRÊPET

Updated at - Next update at (local time)

In Short
expert la chaîne météo Expert’s summary

This afternoon in Presgaux, Very cloudy skies to overcast. No precipitation.
Temperatures will vary between 18 and 24°C.
The reliability of the situation is good.

15:00 to 18:00

24° Feels Like 24°
Gusts 25 km/h NE 15 km/h
Very cloudy to overcast sky.
No risk of rain
UV index 2 Low

This evening

Showers or stormy rain
20° Feels Like 17° due to the wind
Gusts 30 km/h NE 15 km/h
Very cloudy with a risk of outbreaks of thunder.
A few heavy showers.
Risk of rain 65 %
UV index 2 Low


Heavy intermittent rain, or heavy showers
16° Feels Like 14° due to the wind
Gusts 30 km/h N 10 km/h
Overcast and misty. Limited visibility.
A few heavy showers.
Risk of rain 95 %


Saturday 29 june

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